==== Windows ==== We recommend using WSL, see [[ ssh_login_new | SSH Login ]]. As a good imitation of a Linux system, several Windows issues will be avoided. But still using a Windows filesystem, several issues will not be avoided. This can vary depending on which version of WSL your Linux VM is running in [[ https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/compare-versions | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/compare-versions ]]. In short, WSL 2 is better in most respects but WSL 1 does thing differently with networking (it actually appears on your local net) and local file systems (it supports NTFS better) that might be better for your usage. You can change your WSL Linux installation to use one or the other. Several FAQ items that come up: **The Slurm (or other) script that I edited on my PC doesn't work after copying to the cluster**. Text file formats are slightly different. Some applications don't care, but Slurm does. This probably won't happen with files created in WSL as they will be in Unix format. Run ''file'' on the cluster to check it and ''dos2unix'' to fix. $ file myslurm.sh myslurm.sh: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF, CR line terminators. This means it's in Windows format. Fix: run dos2unix to convert in place. $ dos2unix myslurm.sh dos2unix: converting file myslurm.sh to Unix format ... $ file myslurm.sh myslurm.sh: ASCII text **I can't scp my file/directory name with a space**. ''scp'' interprets an extra space as a list of files or directories and a group with a colon as a remote file designator hostname:filename. Fix: use single or double quotes. If one type of quote appears in the filename, use the other. scp -r My File pinnacle.uark.edu:/home/rfeynman/ My: no such file or directory scp -r 'My File' pinnacle.uark.edu:/home/rfenynman/ scp "O'Reilly File" pinnacle.uark.edu:/home/rfenynman/ Most Linux users don't like having file or directory names with embedded spaces or quotation marks. Also Linux doesn't allow forward slashes in filenames at all. It's easier to rename them, but you can keep typing quotes if you like. **I can't scp my full file name even in quotes** (this is Windows scp in terminal, it shouldn't happen in WSL since the local file specification would be /mnt/c/Users/etc.) scp -r "C:\Users\rfeynman\OneDrive\Desktop\POST DOC\Cluster_Upload" rfeynman@pinnacle.uark.edu ssh: Could not resolve hostname c: Name or service not known Fix: A colon is interpreted as a remote host designator by scp. Try cd C:\ scp -r "Users\rfeynman\OneDrive\Desktop\POST DOC\Cluster_Upload" rfeynman@pinnacle.uark.edu