Login Servers and Networks

Various external networks pass through varying amounts of security on the way to the cluster login servers. These networks are, in order of increasing security measures:

  1. UA Campus and machines logged into the UA VPN : These will have IP addresses of 130.184.x.x or 10.x.x.x. You should be able to web connect https: to pinnacle-portal.uark.edu, hpc-portal.uark.edu, hpc-portal2.hpc.uark.edu, and ssh connect to all of these plus pinnacle.uark.edu.
  2. Educational and Research Networks: Networks connected to ARE-ON (statewide colleges and Ozarks Go), and networks connected to Internet 2 (US wide university and research networks). You should be able to web and ssh connect to hpc-portal2.hpc.uark.edu.
  3. The rest of the internet: Not (1) or (2). Includes commercial providers like Cox, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile. You should be able to web and ssh connect to hpc-portal2.hpc.uark.edu. If ssh/https doesn't work, You may need to first login to that portal on ssh port 2022. See Off Campus Access .

If you have difficulty logging in, please email hpc-support@listserv.uark.edu and describe: username, approximate time, which machine you tried to login to, your IP address, description of your IP address (ie Cox Cable), if you are using UArk VPN, and if you also tried the port 2022 ssh access, and what it said (nothing, failed password, etc)

If you don't know your workstation IP address, you can go to https://whatismyipaddress.com/ .