====Bowtie2==== Bowtie 2 is an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. You can find more information about Bowtie2 [[http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml|here]]. ====Enviornment and Setup==== First we we must load the bowtie2 module. The easiest way to do the is to add it to your ''.bashrc'' file, by including its load command. module load bowtie2 In your home directory add a location to store the files to process in the example. razor-l3:jokinsey:~$ mkdir BOWTIE-JOBS Navigate into the directory and copy the necessary files from the examples in the bowtie2 application. azor-l3:jokinsey:~$ cd BOWTIE-JOBS/ razor-l3:jokinsey:~/BOWTIE-JOBS$ cp /share/apps/bowtie2/bowtie2-2.2.3/example/reference/lambda_virus.fa . razor-l3:jokinsey:~/BOWTIE-JOBS$ cp /share/apps/bowtie2/bowtie2-2.2.3/example/reads/reads_1.fq . ====Example Job==== Create a ''PBS'' script in your ''$HOME/BOWTIE-JOBS/'' directory to run the example that has all of the information listed below. #!/bin/bash #PBS -q tiny12core #PBS -N bowtie2 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12 #PBS -j oe #PBS -m abe #PBS -M jokinsey@uark.edu #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR cp lambda_virus.fa /scratch/$PBS_JOBID cp reads_1.fq /scratch/$PBS_JOBID cd /scratch/$PBS_JOBID bowtie2-build lambda_virus.fa lambda_virus bowtie2 -x lambda_virus -U reads_1.fq -S eg1.sam mv lambda_virus* eg1.sam $PBS_O_WORKDIR/ The ''PBS'' script above copies the unindexed ''FASTA'' file for the lambda virus and the ''FASTAQ'' file containing the unpaired reads for the lambda phage to the ''/scratch/$PBS_JOBID'' directory where we will run the computation. The ''bowtie2-build'' line will output files that represent the index for the Lambda phage reference genome. The line below that runs the bowtie2 aligner, and outputs the alginments to a ''SAM'' file called ''eg1.sam''. Then the output lambda_virus index files and the alignment results stored in the ''eg1.sam'' file, are moved to the ''$PBS_O_WORKDIR'' directory where the job was submitted from. Submit the job to the queue. razor-l3:jokinsey:~/BOWTIE-JOBS$ qsub bowtie2.pbs More information on how to interpret a ''SAM'' file can be found [[http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/manual.shtml#sam-output|here]]