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Github - collaboration tool

Github is a popular platform for collaboration and data sharing. It is based on the 'git' version control software. is the central cloud based repository which provides storage for github user data. The github CLI (command line interface) allows AHPCC users to move data between the github repository and the AHPCC cluster storage as well as share them with other AHPCC users.

DART-ARP organization

A Github orgranization allow its members to collaborate and share data with each other. AHPCC set up a github organization named DART-ARP (Data Analytics that are Robust and Trusted - Arkansas Research Platform).

Joining DART-ARP

To become a member of DART-ARP organization and enable AHPCC/github integration, each user has to perform the following actions:

  • create a personal github account
  • add the AHPCC account SSH public key to the personal github account
  • accept and invitation to joing DART-ARP organization

A user executable script is available to assist in performing these steps.

pinnacle-l7:pwolinsk:~$ /share/apps/bin/ 

   ============= JOIN AHPCC-DART github orgranization =============== 

  If you do not already have an active account, before continuing
  with this script please visit:

  Do you have an existing github account? [y/N] y

  Please enter you github username: pwolinsk
  Please enter your email:

  Github username: pwolinsk
  Is this correct? [y/N] y
  Using a browser, please copy and paste your AHPCC SSH public key below into 
  your account  
  (Account Profile->Settings->SSH and GPG Keys->New SSH key)

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAweiHlqDTaj1nTryFTIagEnMs+d5WhEskL4JFvFo+Er7qwDV8bziQWFuUmFTYZWcuZpyLbWgf9b5oAjlmu7bUd2FIGi2jQDut0wI9Oq8tRdjY5nNNLw9zPY3e/+gRPV7bypg549E9gU5poaagKSq4QBqCEzuIUOIMhTgNzEQiVSmfgQg9OICX4njDJuaUxprQHxAz5F4wKd/lE8jW22++stUhrSRV6e0MlE19kbByC8A+akfk8V/pzmBoReYuT1pZGnB0qQkVwl8wAf0gvl3AuUGauOjjeAwd+70dZALFHoMU90prl8enY0KsQHmApf0ucyx5BCDkMi6La95qRtu32w==

  Did you add your public SSH key above to your account? [y/N] y
   Your github configuration (in /home/pwolinsk/.gitconfig):
	name = pwolinsk
	email = gh_email
	ui = true

  Logging into github...
  Please select "SSH, SKIP upload public key, authentication token" below
  Then please use a brower to open

? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations? SSH
? Upload your SSH public key to your GitHub account? Skip
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Paste an authentication token
Tip: you can generate a Personal Access Token here
The minimum required scopes are 'repo', 'read:org'.
? Paste your authentication token: ****************************************
- gh config set -h git_protocol ssh
✓ Configured git protocol
✓ Logged in as pwolinsk
Testing github integration with your AHPCC account...
  ✓ Logged in to as pwolinsk (/home/pwolinsk/.config/gh/hosts.yml)
  ✓ Git operations for configured to use ssh protocol.
  ✓ Token: *******************

  Invitation to join DART-ARP github organization has been sent to
  Please follow the link in the email to join. 
github.1643742473.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/01 19:07 by pwolinsk