Queueing System

All jobs on AHPCC clusters which require a significant amount of CPU or memory should be submitted through the queueing system. In general, two types of jobs may be passed into the queue:

A compute node is an individual computer which can be used to execute jobs. Compute nodes are grouped into queues. All nodes assigned to a particular queue are identical. The queues differ from each other by the following factors:

tres-l1:pwolinsk:$ max_job_size 
Maximum jobs size in number of nodes for immediate start per queue:

        q30m32c:  26 nodes     (max in partition: 26  queue cap:  64)
        q06h32c:  26 nodes     (max in partition: 26  queue cap:  64)
        q72h32c:   8 nodes     (max in partition:  8  queue cap:  32)
      qcDouglas:   0 nodes     (max in partition:  0  queue cap:   1)
          qcABI:   0 nodes     (max in partition:  0  queue cap:   1)
         qcondo:   0 nodes     (max in partition:  0  queue cap:   1)
      qtraining:   2 nodes     (max in partition:  2  queue cap:  64)

The output of the script above shows that a job requesting up to 26 nodes in the queue q06h32c should start immediately.

Queues - summary of public queues

Batch Jobs

Interactive Jobs

Condo Queues

Job Walltime Extensions