NWChem is a scalable computational tool for large scale molecular simulations. Along with computational chemistry the package also inculdes quantum chemical and molecular dynamics functionality. It was developed at the Pacific Northwest National Labratory. More documentation is avaliable at the NWChem main page.
First add these modules to your .bashrc
file to satisfy the dependencies for and load NWChem itself.
module load intel/12.1.5 module load mvapich2/1.8 module load mkl/12.1.5 module load nwchem
Also two environmental variables are needed to adjust the behavior of MVAPICH2 library. Add these two lines to your $HOME/.bashrc file.
Additionally, NWChem looks for a $HOME/.nwchemrc file which specifies the location of the basis library and force field parameters. To use the preconfigured default nchemrc file run:
razor-l1:jokinsey:~$ ln -s /share/apps/NWChem/nwchem-6.1.1/data/default.nwchemrc ~/.nwchemrc
This links the default nchemrc file to your $HOME
directory so NWChem knows where to find the file
Create a directory NWCHEM-JOBS
to store the output from the example. A set of example input files is located in /share/apps/NWChem/nwchem-6.1.1/examples
directory. We'll use the benzene.nw
example. Copy the input file to your $HOME/NWHCEM-JOBS
directory. This example uses a separate file to store geometry of the molecule benzene.pdb
which also needs to be copied.
razor-l1:jokinsey:~$ mkdir NWCHEM-JOBS razor-l1:jokinsey:~$ cp /share/apps/NWChem/nwchem-6.1.1/examples/md/benzene/benzene.* ~/NWCHEM-JOBS
Edit the benzene.nw
file to specify the scratch directory.
start benzene scratch_dir /scratch/YourUserNameHere prepare system benzene_em new_top new_seq solvate end task prepare md system benzene_em sd 100 end task md optimize task shell "cp benzene_em.qrs benzene_md.rst" md system benzene_md data 100 isotherm isobar print step 10 stat 100 end task md dynamics
In the directory contianing the benzene.nw input file, create a PBS
script and name it nwchem.pbs.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -N nwchem #PBS -q tiny12core #PBS -j oe #PBS -o nwchem.$PBS_JOBID #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12 #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR cp benzene.* /scratch/$PBS_JOBID cd /scratch/$PBS_JOBID NP=$(wc -l < $PBS_NODEFILE) mpirun -np $NP -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE nwchem benzene.nw > benzene.out mv benzene* bnz* $PBS_O_WORKDIR
This PBS
script moves the test files to the /scratch/$PBSJOBID
where we submitted the job from.
directory where we will run the job then moves the output files back to the
Then submit the job to be run in the queue tiny12core
which we specified in the PBS file.
razor-l1:jokinsey:~/NWCHEM-JOBS$ qsub nwchem.pbs
The job will produce several files . benzene.out as specified in the PBS input script will contain the most relevant output.