Perl can be accessed by modules (currently 5.24.0,5.36.0) or you can install and modify perl through conda python.
module load perl/5.36.0 perl
To install your own perl modules through cpan, you will need to tell perl where to put them and look for them in your disk area. For example,installing YAML::Syck
, adapted from This doesn't work with conda perl yet. As for installing any software over the internet, use srun
to get a compute node (cloud 1 core is fine and usually immediate).
c1715:rfeynman:$ mkdir -p ~/perl5 #once c1715:rfeynman:$ module load perl/5.36.0 gcc/11.2.1 #it usually works better to have # a more modern c compiler, c compiler only needed at install time c1715:rfeynman:$ source /share/apps/bin/ #always **after** loading the #perl module, both install and run time c1715:rfeynman:$ cpanm YAML::Syck ...lots of output hopefully ending with... /bin/make install -- OK c1715:rfeynman:$ perl -de1 #no error below is good main::(-e:1): 1 DB<2> use YAML::Syck; DB<3> q c1715:rfeynman:$